Saturday, April 4, 2009


Step 1

From the Copath Application Manager Main Menu, Click on the "Slides Send Out" icon (highlighted yellow).

Step 2

Enter surgical specimen number or medical record. Click on the search button.

Step 3

If the case has been sent out previously, it will be noted here. Otherwise, click on the "New" button(highlighted yellow).

Step 4

A window is opened where information is added about the case being sent out. In the "Requested By" box, enter the name of the person making the request. The next box below is the "Recipient" box. Enter where the case is being sent to. Next, enter the address and phone number. In the "Comment" box, enter what the case is being sent-out for. Finally, in the "Return by Date' box, enter a date for the case to be returned.

Step 5

Find an click on "Specimens" tab (highlighted green arrow). Locate the "Material Description" box (highlighted yellow) and indicate what is being sent ie. 3 blocks and 3 slides. Make sure the "Print Form Letter" is checked (highlighted yellow and indicated by double black arrow) before clicking on the "Save Next Specimen" box (black arrow). This will generate a form letter to be sent along with the requested material.

Step 6

When materials sent out are returned, they must be logged in that they have been returned. On main menu, open the "slide Sendout" icon by double clicking on it (highlighted blue above).

Step 7

Enter specimen sent out surgical case number and click on search.

Step 7b

Double click on the blue highlighted case.

Step 7c

A window is opened up which shows where material has been sent. Double click on the highlighted case.

Step 8

Find the tab "Returns" which is highlighted and double click on it.

Step 9

A new window is opened where you can enter the date in the highlighted box when the material was returned. This will automatically change the return status to return is complete.

Step 10

In the event that all material is not returned, do not click on the "All Material Returned" icon. In the Highlighted "Master Specimen" box, indicate what has been recieved by free texting and leave highlighted "Return Status Oval" pending until all material is recieved. Click "Save Next Specimen" which takes you back to the Copath Main Menu Application screen. This concludes the training module for AP sendout training.

Friday, April 3, 2009